ACN 129 958 510
ReWork is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), as well as other applicable laws protecting privacy. This policy outlines how ReWork uses and manages Personal Information provided to, or collected by, it.
ReWork may from time to time review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology, changes to ReWork’s operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing environment.
ReWork encourages individuals to check ReWork’s website from time to time to ensure that they are aware of ReWork’s current Privacy Policy.
As is required by the Privacy Act, ReWork ensures the protection of any Personal Information it receives.
‘Personal Information’ is defined in the Privacy Act as:
information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:
- a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
- b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.
‘Sensitive Information’ includes things such as race, sexual orientation, political opinions, members of a trade association or trade union, criminal record or health information.
ReWork collects Personal Information, including Sensitive Information, about:
- it’s clients;
- job applicants, staff members, volunteers and contractors; and
- other people who come in contact with ReWork.
The type of Personal Information ReWork collects and holds includes:
- Name, date of birth and address;
- Telephone numbers;
- E-mail address;
- Occupation;
- Career history;
- Personal history, including details of work injuries;
- Medical history
- Workers Compensation claims history;
- References;
- Licence details;
ReWork collects Personal Information only by fair and lawful means where it is practicable and reasonable to do so. ReWork will not collect Personal Information unless the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of ReWork’s functions or activities.
Personal Information provided by an individual
ReWork will generally collect Personal Information held about an individual by way of forms filled out by the individual, face to face meetings and interviews, telephone calls and emails.
Personal Information provided by other people
In some circumstances, ReWork may be provided with Personal Information about an individual from a third party, for example a report provided by a medical professional or an workers compensation industry body.
ReWork will not collect Personal Information about an individual from third parties unless:
- that individual consents to the collection of the information from someone else; or
- it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect the information from them.
If ReWork collects Personal Information from a third party, ReWork will inform the individual to whom it relates that Personal Information has been collected and the circumstances of such collection.
Collection as required by law
If ReWork is required to collect Personal Information about an individual under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order, ReWork will inform that individual that the collection is so required, including details of the law or court/tribunal order requiring the collection.
Collection of Sensitive Information
ReWork will not collect Sensitive Information about an individual unless:
- that individual consents to the collection of the information; or
- the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of ReWork’s functions or activities; or
- the collection of the information is required or authorised by or under Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or
- a permitted general situation exists in relation to the collection of the information by ReWork; or
- a permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection of the information by ReWork.
Unsolicited Personal Information
Where ReWork receives Personal Information which it has not solicited, ReWork will, within a reasonable period after receiving the information, determine whether or not ReWork could have collected this information under the Australian Privacy Principles. If it is determined that ReWork could not have collected the Personal Information and that the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record, then ReWork will, as soon as practicable, destroy the information or make sure the information is de-identified, as long as it is reasonable and lawful to do so.
ReWork collects the Personal Information it needs to provide its services.
In relation to Personal Information of a client, ReWork’s primary purpose of collection is to enable ReWork to provide workers compensation services to the client.
The purposes for which ReWork uses Personal Information of a client include:
- to keep clients informed about matters relating to their injury and claim;
- to make relevant enquiries on behalf of the client;
- day to day administration;
- to satisfy ReWork’s legal obligations;
ReWork may not be able to act for a client if necessary information about the client is not provided.
Job applicants, staff members and contractors
In relation to Personal Information of job applicants, staff and contractors, ReWork’s primary purpose of collection is to assess and (if successful) to engage the applicant, staff member or contractor.
The purposes for which ReWork uses Personal Information of job applicants, staff members and contractors include:
- administering the individual’s employment or contract;
- satisfying insurance requirements;
- satisfying ReWork’s legal obligations;
ReWork may use or disclose Personal Information (other than Sensitive Information) about an individual for the purposes of direct marketing if ReWork collects the information from the individual and they would reasonably expect ReWork to use or disclose the information for the purpose of direct marketing.
ReWork may also use or disclose Personal Information (other than Sensitive Information) for the purposes of direct marketing if:
- it is collected from someone other than the individual; or
- is collected from the individual but they would not reasonably expect ReWork to use or disclose the Personal Information;
- the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of the information for the purpose of direct marketing; or
- it is impractical to obtain that consent.
An individual, by notice in writing to the Registrar of ReWork at PO Box 13116 Law Courts Vic 8010 or may:
- request not to receive direct marketing communications; or
- request for their Personal Information to not be used or disclosed for direct marketing purposes.
ReWork will only use or disclose Sensitive Information about a person for direct marketing purposes if that person has expressly consented to the use or disclosure.
ReWork will not disclose Personal Information about a person except where it is:
- in accordance with the law;
- authorised by that person in a contract between them and ReWork; or
- in accordance with consent granted by that person.
With consent, ReWork may disclose Personal Information, including Sensitive Information, held about a person to:
- government departments;
- medical practitioners;
- people providing services to ReWork; and
- anyone the person authorises ReWork to disclose information to.
ReWork’s staff are required to respect the confidentiality of Personal Information and the privacy of individuals. This includes taking reasonable steps to protect electronic materials and materials stored and generated in hard copy from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
The reasonable steps ReWork takes to protect the security of the Personal Information involves a variety of methods, including locked storage of paper records and pass worded access rights to computerised records.
ReWork aims to ensure that the Personal Information it holds is accurate, up-to-date and complete. Please ensure any information you provide is accurate, up-to-date and complete, and notify ReWork if you believe it holds information that is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete so that it can be corrected without cost to you. You are entitled to access your Personal Information held by ReWork at any time. If you wish to access your Personal Information, you must lodge a request for access with ReWork at PO Box 13116 Law Courts Vic 8010 or and a response to that request will be given within a reasonable period.
ReWork is entitled to deny access to you if:
• access would be unlawful;
• access would discloses a ‘commercially sensitive’ decision making process or information;
• you do not give ReWork reasonable notice of your request for access;
• you fail to provide sufficient proof of identity;
• providing access would create an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others;
• the information requested relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings;
• providing access would prejudice negotiations with you;
• providing access would pose a serious threat to life, health or safety to any individual or to the public in general;
• the request is frivolous; or
• denial of access is otherwise authorised by law.
ReWork may charge a fee to cover its reasonable costs in meeting an access request.
Complaints about breaches of the Australian Privacy Principles by ReWork may be made by contacting the Registrar of ReWork at PO Box 13116 Law Courts Vic 8010 or If you do not consider that your complaint has been adequately dealt with by ReWork, you may make a further complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, which has complaint handling responsibilities under the Privacy Act.
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