Call: 1300 471 234

ReWork Premium Management

Our premium and policy management services will review, advise and challenge where appropriate to ensure that you pay no more in premium than you are legally obliged.

The ReWork Premium Management Edge:
  • Detailed review of your corporate structure and policy to ensure premiums are minimised
  • Examination of the appropriateness of your workplace industry classifications and applicable rates
  • Auditing the accuracy of annual wage declarations
  • Providing advice and training on key premium drivers
  • Ensuring your business is compliant with employer groupings, contractor provisions and cross border premium implications
  • Reviewing and challenging the findings of employer WorkCover remuneration audits

For more information on how ReWork can help you call 1300 471 234 (national) or email

Workers' Compensation Healthcheck

ReWork would be happy to discuss your own unique requirements. We can provide
an obligation free Workers' Compensation Healthcheck of your current premium
and claims position and a forecast of the premium savings that could reasonably be achieved.
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