Call: 1300 471 234

ReWork Injury Management

The ReWork injury management model is simple. Expert injury managers working with your staff, providing early injury intervention in the workplace, facilitating early recovery and sustainable return to work.

The ReWork Injury Management Edge:
  • Managing all your return to work obligations as your outsourced Return To Work Coordinator
  • Providing early intervention with your injured worker, responsible manager and medical providers following an injury
  • Developing return to work arrangements tailored for each injured worker ensuring a prompt, safe and sustainable return to work
  • Ensuring your business is compliant with relevant legislative requirements
  • Assessing and improving your internal management systems, based on the ReWork injury management model
  • Reducing your administrative burden and allowing your staff to focus on their core duties

For more information on how ReWork can help you call 1300 471 234 (national) or email

Workers' Compensation Healthcheck

ReWork would be happy to discuss your own unique requirements. We can provide
an obligation free Workers' Compensation Healthcheck of your current premium
and claims position and a forecast of the premium savings that could reasonably be achieved.
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