Joe Bisognano - Manager
Joe has both strategic and field experience in Injury, Claims and Premium Management and experience in controlling an organisation’s Workers’ compensation obligations, risk and injured employees. He has had exposure and knowledge across a multitude of industries and worked with companies with national jurisdictions. This has ensured Joe has expertise to lead organisations to achieve best practice management of their workers’ compensations.
Joe is responsible for ensuring that ReWork delivers on its promise to provide outstanding customer service aimed at improving client injury management and workers compensation performance.
Misha Wright-Rodionov - Consultant
Misha has consulted with many large multinational organisations, as well as independent SME enterprises both in Australia and in Europe. Having worked across many industries, he understands the nuances of your business and the specific issues your business faces. Misha also has a particular passion for Aged Care and the Disability Sector.
Utilising his Injury and Claims Management style focussing on cost effectiveness and efficiency, he has assisted a number of organisations to significantly reduce their Workers Compensation costs, together with streamlining the management of their WorkCover programme.
Rozanne Brash - Consultant
This diversity of experience facilitates an ability to understand, articulate and provide solutions to the challenges organisations face when dealing in the Workers' Compensation space and its incumbent agents. Rozanne is passionate about early intervention and achieving outcomes that are a ‘win-win’, understanding the impact of poor decision making on an organisations’ bottom line and the overall well-being and recovery of sick and injured employees and it’s nexus to costs. Rozanne is results orientated and will actively work with and guide your organisation to continuously improve your claims and injury management performance to achieve cost savings on your bottom line.